
As of the time I'm writing this page I am a PhD candidate in physics at Indiana University. I'm studying how low-energy (less than 50 MeV, for those who know) neutrinos interact in a liquid argon detector. This particular process has a long name, coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS, pronounced "sevens"), and it was only recently observed by the collaboration I'm a part of. CEvNS provides a novel means of testing the standard model, our current best understanding of all the forces and particles in the universe and how they interact with each other (excepting, of course, gravity, for now?). Not only can we test standard model predictions but theories which posit new particles and interactions beyond the standard model (BSM) can also be probed by CEvNS experiments. This somewhat nascent field has exciting opportunities and important contributions to make to the field of particle physics.

In addition to being a physicist (I can call myself that now, right?) I have a wife and two (soon to be three) small kids. We live in east Tennessee where I work on my research at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. So if I'm not talking about vacuum pumps, cryogenic liquids or data analysis I'll probably be talking about Paw Patrol, Frozen, or building an airport with MAGNA-TILES.

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