Introduction to Physical Constants

Why this blog?

Because I find my thinking gets sharpened and my mind clearer when I write down all that's in my head. It's easy for stuff to get lost up there and my experience with graduate school has been to work on many different things at once. So much so that I often forget what I have worked on only a year prior. (I do have things in my logbook or I can look back at code, but the fast pace of switching between so many projects for me has been a whirlwind.) So hopefully taking the time to put things I'm working on down in a longer, more carefully thought-out format will cement them in my head, rather than flying about with every change of the wind. Additionally, by writing more frequently I'm hoping to develop better as a writer for the future.

What will I write about?

I'm mainly going to write about my research and related topics. This will include what little theory I know (I'm no theorist or phenomenologist) so those posts will invariably contain mistakes that are my own. But I'll also write about analysis and coding and even personal adventures as I go along.

How often will I write?

That's the great question. I'm hoping I can write a post a week, that should motivate me to learn something interesting to write about or showcase what I've been working on. In any case, this is more a moonshot than a guarantee.

Who is this blog for?

I'm guessing only my mom would take the time to read this. Hi, Mom!

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