Other articles

  1. Bytes, Reloaded

    I might have been a overzealous in my previous post about using Julia as the best way for parsing binary files in the most efficient, pleasant-to-use manner. I think I was also too eager to forgo using Python in my analysis due to slow looping. I'll save most of my …

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  2. Takin' a Byte

    My first summer as a graduate student I characterized a PMT for use in our upcoming ton-scale liquid argon neutrino detector. I'd never had hardware experience coming in from undergrad so I had to quickly learn not only about PMTs but also digitizers and the software used to control them …

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  3. Introduction to Physical Constants

    Why this blog?

    Because I find my thinking gets sharpened and my mind clearer when I write down all that's in my head. It's easy for stuff to get lost up there and my experience with graduate school has been to work on many different things at once. So much …

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