Takin' a Byte

My first summer as a graduate student I characterized a PMT for use in our upcoming ton-scale liquid argon neutrino detector. I'd never had hardware experience coming in from undergrad so I had to quickly learn not only about PMTs but also digitizers and the software used to control them and later analyze data. I've since become familiar with a couple of DAQ packages such as ADAQ and WaveDump. The first package has built-in capabilities to save data to a ROOT file (ROOT being the aforementioned data analysis software) whereas the second one required another tool to do so. For that I used TOWARD developed by a collaborator at South Dakota that converts WaveDump binaries to ROOT. Now, using ROOT takes some getting used to and it's a great tool for physics experiments and physics analyses. However, I find the C++ baggage to slow down analysis and data exploration to the point where I wanted to look elsewhere for a better-suited tool.

At first I looked into PyROOT which are Python bindings to use ROOT libraries but inside the ease of Python programming. That means using Jupyter Notebooks is an option for plotting data and results and quickly developing some new analysis techniques or tweaking old ones. I like the ability to read any ROOT file like I would in a ROOT macro from Python, but once again, there are built-in limitations when you use Python. For example, I was attempting to work with results from a GEANT4 simulation with PyROOT which required looping over 200,000 generated events. The code I had was running for over an hour-and-a-half before I gave up on it. The same ROOT macro, on the other hand, took 10-20 seconds to run. So I felt the need to look elsewhere for the ability to analyze data from a ROOT file that wasn't a ROOT script or required PyROOT. And that led me back to Julia.

I'd used Julia for a summer in undergrad for fun. I spent some time reading the documentation and different tutorials but never had a real project to put my mind towards solving with Julia. And I figured in grad school everyone used Python and ROOT (read C++) so I should stick with and master those. But now that I'd exhausted those options for what I was trying to do, I thought I could resurrect what I'd learned about Julia from a few years prior. One of the first things I wanted to do was revisit my PMT analysis code and rewrite some of it in Julia. A simple ROOT script from the TOWARD code was converting WaveDump binary files to ROOT. Here are a few lines from that code:

ifstream *input = new ifstream(Form("%s/%s",run,file), ios::binary);
input->seekg(0, ios::end); // move getter to the end of file
long int fsize = input->tellg();// get input file size
input->seekg(0, ios::beg); // move getter back to the beginning
short adc[99999]= {0}; float s[99999]={0}; // waveform samples
int n, len, tmp, cha, evt, ttt, tt, th, tl;

This reads in the binary file and gets the file size in bytes along with creating variables to be stored in a ROOT file. After creating ROOT branches for the new file, the code reads the event header from the binary file. The binary file has a structure of six four-byte integers followed by a series of ADC values stored from the digitizer. The number of two-byte ADC integers is found in the header with a little algebra. The header and ADC values are read in as:

while (input->good() && input->tellg()<fsize) {
  input->read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&len),4); // size of data [bytes]
  input->read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&tmp),4); // board id
  input->read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&tmp),4); // VME specific
  input->read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&cha),4); // channel id
  input->read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&evt),4); // event id
  input->read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&ttt),4); // trigger time tag
  n = (len-24)/ssize; // number of waveform samples
  for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
    input->read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&adc[i]),ssize); s[i]=(float)adc[i];

With the code above being the core of the what converts the binary file, I set about doing the same in Julia. I started with nearly a line-for-line rewrite, using something like:

open("file", "w") do io
  fsize = position(io)
  len = Vector{UInt8}(undef, 4)
  read!(io, len)
  len = reinterpret(reshape, Int32, len)

Similar code would need to be written for the other variables and ADC values. But as you can imagine, this was pretty long and unwieldy, reading in each byte into a vector bytes of the correct length and then reinterpreting it as the correct-sized integer. After reading different posts on the Julia Discourse and elsewhere I quickly found much simpler solutions than my naive rewrite above. It turns out you can directly read in the correct-sized integers with a simple read(io, Int32), or better yet, read in the whole header and ADC values as

header = read!(io, Vector{Int32}(undef, 6))
adcs = read!(io, Vector{Int16}(undef, adc_length))

where the adc_length is determined as in the TOWARD code. This greatly simplified my first attempt at reading a binary file. And to take it one step further, I wanted to remove any ROOT dependency at all and found JLD2.jl which is a pure Julia file format. Adding in some code to save to a .jld2 file and compressing it with CodecZlib.jl I could beat the compressed ROOT file by almost a factor of two.

So if you find yourself needing to read a binary file from scratch, I'd recommend using Julia, as the ease and simplicity make for a great experience. And you can get back to your physics analysis sooner.

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